A child should be permitted to attend school on the next school day after the day on which the child is presented for enrollment, and in all cases within five (5) business days of the school district’s receipt of the required documentation. 22 Pa. Code §11.11(b).
Required Documentation Needed for Enrollment
Exemption from immunization
Medical exemption. Children need not be immunized if a physician or the physician’s designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the child shall be immunized according to this subchapter.
Religious exemption. Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief.
Please note: If a student has just started a series for each type of shot, they may be enrolled. The student must be in the process and keeping up with the timeline of the series (e.g. student just got shot one and he/she will get shot two in thirty days from shot one). Please click here to view the PA Immunization Requirements for School Entry.
3) Proof of Address (Two are required)
One of the following must be provided as proof of residency:
One of the following must be presented as supporting documentation:
*All documents being presented, unless specified above, need to be CURRENT (within 3 months) of the registration date.
Special Residency Circumstances
A) Student Is Living With a Resident Adult other than a Parent
When a child is living with a district resident, who is supporting the child without personal compensation, the child may attend the public schools of that resident’s school district, provided that resident makes application and supplies the required enrollment information.
In addition, before accepting the child as a student, the district shall require the resident to file the following: Educational Guardianship Form from the resident of the school district consistent with the requirements of 24 P.S. §13-1302(a)(2), indicating that the signer is a resident of the school district, is supporting the child without receiving personal compensation, that the child is living with the resident continuously and not just for the school year, and that the resident will accept all responsibilities relating to the child’s schooling.
Educational Guardianship Process:
B) Student & Parent/Guardian Is Living With a District Resident
If a parent/legal guardian are living with another district resident, a Multiple Occupancy Residency Affidavit can be completed by the parent/legal guardian, AND District resident, and processed at the District Office.
General Guidelines
Acceptable identification includes:
The Owner/Tenant must provide two (2) proofs of residency documents showing his or her name and address. See #3 for acceptable proofs of residency.
A sworn statement attesting to whether the student has been or is suspended or expelled for offenses involving drugs, alcohol, weapons, infliction of injury or violence on school property must be provided for a student to be admitted to any school entity. 24 P.S. §13-1304-A. A school may not deny or delay a child’s school enrollment based on the information contained in a disciplinary record or sworn statement. However, if a student is currently expelled for a weapons offense, the school can provide the student with alternative education services during the period of expulsion. 24 P.S. § 13-1317.2(e.1) If the disciplinary record or sworn statement indicates the student has been expelled from a school in which he was previously enrolled, for reasons other than a weapons offense, it is recommended the school review the student's prior performance and school record to determine the services and supports to be provided upon enrollment in the district.
All students seeking first time enrollment in a school shall be given a home language survey in according with requirements of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Enrollment of the student may not be delayed in order to administer the Home Language Survey.
Additional Requested Documentation