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Parents and Students » Enrollment & Registration » Frequently Asked Questions About Residency Fraud

Frequently Asked Questions About Residency Fraud

What is considered to be “true residency”?
  • A Lakeland SD resident is an individual who is a full time occupant of a dwelling located in our District who, on any given day, is likely to be at their stated address when not in work or in school. A minor’s residence is presumed to be the legal residence of the parent(s) or guardian(s) who have physical custody, or educational guardianship of the student. Temporary residence in the District, solely for the purpose of attending a Lakeland SD school, shall not be considered residency.
I live outside of the school district, but I also own property in the District. Can I use my Lakeland SD address to enroll in school in LSD since I pay taxes in the District?
  • A person who owns property in the District, but does not reside in it, is not considered a resident. Business addresses may not be used as residences. 
What is residency fraud?
  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are committing residency fraud if they submit an address that is not their true residence in the application and enrollment process or in other documents submitted to the District.
What happens if the parents do not live together?
  • If the parents are separated and live at different addresses, the student must physically reside with the custodial parent at the reported District address for at least 50% of the time.
What if my child lives in the District with a relative or other adult?

What happens if the District investigates and I am caught using a false address?
  • The student will be withdrawn from school and the parent must reimburse the District for investigative costs and all back tuition costs for each day enrolled illegally. The 2015-2016 tuition rates were $8,455.39 for elementary and $9,216.45 for secondary students. The District may also pursue civil or criminal action against anyone making false claims.
  • If the child does not reside in the District, s/he must enroll into their district of residence.
  • If it is determined that a false address was used to obtain a specific elementary school assignment, and the family lives within the District, the child will be withdrawn from the present school and enrolled into the elementary school of residence.

Can my child enroll into the Lakeland SD if we live outside of the District?
  • Any child may apply for enrollment in the Lakeland SD if they live outside of the District. However, Non-residents must pay the tuition rates as established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The 2015-2016 tuition rates were $8,455.39 for elementary and $9,216.45 for secondary students. Placement into a specific elementary school will be granted only on a space-available basis.